Smarter Water Management Case Study

ClearBlade IoT Portals

This Is What Smart IoT Looks Like

ClearBlade Portals give you a secure and flexible model to intelligently interact with your machines, devices, and users in real time.

The Perks of Using IoT Portals


ClearBlade Dashboards enable you to see and interact with your data. Aggregate and drill down to individual devices and equipment. Easily display the health and status of your factories, warehouses, and buildings.


Leverage advanced widgets to inspect, transform, and model data to support decision-making processes and actions.


Users can find all content and applications in the same place. Responsive design delivers dashboards and management consoles in mobile, desktop, and embedded screen sizes.


With ClearBlade Portals, you can analyze and understand your data, interact with your systems, and respond and react to information remotely or at the edge. Orchestrate and define rules with a unified view across all IoT assets, including the aggregation of data, events, and alerts down to the individual machine, device, and sensor components.


Not everyone can be watching for anomalies and failure points. Build real-time logic based on key metrics and have command and control operations automated through a single pane of glass.


Feedback loops are key to successful operations. As additional data and sources are introduced into your solutions, feedback loops and positive confirmations can be leveraged to adapt and adjust your models and rules in real time.


Each user's preferences determine how the portal looks, feels, and functions. Each user can obtain content that is specific to their interests and needs.


Secure by default. Leverage role-based security to lock down data access, visualizations, and operations specific to your corporate data security policies.


Users can arrange the content and applications to understand the information better.


Leverage pre-built widgets and industry-specific Portal templates to accelerate your delivery to the business in customized visualizations and operations.

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