and Machine Learning

ClearBlade is the brains behind intelligent enterprise AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) solutions.

ClearBlade provides a secure and flexible model to interact intelligently with your machines, devices, and users in real time.

AI For Any Scenario

Worker safety AI will differ from smart building or factory AI. Also, the data types and availability will vary based on where it is applied. So, how do you build an intelligent solution?

AI data sets need to be built and captured for your specific application. Variability, unknown data points, and inconsistent sources impact an AI model’s viability. ClearBlade can collect data from any source or device and operate AI models anywhere in your environment.

An Edge on
the Competition

The ClearBlade Platform allows you to put context around your data and run AI models in the cloud and at the edge. ClearBlade’s unique auto-sync technology synchronizes data at the edge and across the entire ClearBlade continuum, allowing for shared decisions and information throughout the solution. With ClearBlade, you are not limited to a specific AI platform but can leverage our out-of-the-box integrations with existing intelligence and analytics tools.


ClearBlade specializes in IoT and Edge technologies. Its AIoT capabilities include edge-native computing, secure no-code IoT applications, device registry and management, messaging via MQTT broker, easy enterprise integrations via REST APIs, expansive IoT capabilities, edge AI, and digital twins creation. These capabilities enable efficient and cost-effective operations across various industries.

Machine Learning

Behind all AI is a system of mathematical domain-specific learning and training techniques. ClearBlade provides the tools necessary to capture, tag, and train your AI and continue to let it mature.

Predictive Maintenance

Every enterprise has a significant opportunity to predict better and prevent failure in daily operations. The ClearBlade Platform delivers aberration detection, expert systems, and trend analysis capabilities that rapidly notify and automate your maintenance process to repair, replace, and maintain your environments.

Edge Intelligence

The ClearBlade IoT Edge allows engineering intelligent IoT solutions to be easily deployed into the field. These solutions continue to learn at the edge, integrate directly with existing enterprise systems, and share data across the entire environment.

Adaptable AI

ClearBlade makes it
easy to learn from your
data and apply AI to your


  • Seamlessly run AI logic anywhere. From any cloud to the edge to make fast and relevant decisions.
  • Rapidly connect and communicate with machines, tools, and industrial systems to learn and react to important events and share data across the environment.
  • Make AI decisions actionable using out-of-the-box integrations with existing enterprise solutions.
  • Learn more here.

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